Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Holding hands with Lucifer

just to let you all know.. im old enuf to pee!!!.. yay me!! haha.. hey.. NO SMACK TALK!! specially about me! haha. umm well its a find and dandy wednesday night.. and im pretty hyped up on pop and ice cream.. oh and pop corn.. haha yea.. thats it.. so far so good.. the count down begins soon.. to my 18th birthday you douchebags.. haha.. yea im pretty stoked.. i'll be old enuf to buy.. well you know.. haha im not an idiot to be putting that kind of stuff on here. haha.. unless... umm no.. no way.. maybe later.. if ur lucky.. ok there i go again.. umm yea.. well Richeous is makin great progress these days... hes fricken huge.. and i know he still loves Sandranator.. but not as much as he loves me though.. haha but yea..


lah dee dah said...

Amandeeee!!! shalaalaa&lahdeedah to you!! so yah im goign crazy. wanna come?? hahahah your driving!!
Love yah

GUS GUS said...

:P the only reason he loves you more is because someone(meaning YOU) never brings him to town anymore!!! anyways tomorrow is gonna be awsome time
anyways love ya always<3

Ms. Wadlegger said...

Nice coded language, Amanda!! Thanks for sticking to the rules - well, sort of!